Satisfaction with the quality of field works Very highAverageLow Satisfaction with the quality of data and quality control department. Very highAverageLow Project completion within the specified time frame. Finished ahead of scheduleFinished on timeMissed the dead line The professionalism of the staff Very highAverageLow Is the information posted on Facebook and LinkedIn valuable and explanatory enough? The information is clearI do not use social mediaThe Information is unclear Which aspects of geophysical research attract your attention for possible future implementation? Aerogeophysical Research Electrical Exploration Surveys Magnetic Exploration Surveys Gamma – Ray Spectometry Underground 3D Laser Scanning [checkbox checkbox-754 use_label_element "Geophysical Surveys of Boreholes] Laboratory for determining physical properties of rocks and ores Processing and interpreting aerial photography using UAVs How can we improve our services?