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Kim Boris Vladislavovich

Boris graduated from the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute in 1985 with a degree in Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits and qualified as a mining geophysicist.

Boris has 25 years of work experience. He worked in such companies as the Ural Expedition of Geophysical Research of boreholes, Geotech LLP and national exploration company Kazgeologiya JSC.

While working in these companies, he was engaged in performing a full range of geophysical studies of boreholes to search for oil and gas deposits, performing a GIS complex in ore wells, conducting geophysical studies using methods: electrical exploration (VP-DOZ), (VP-SG), (ZSBZ), MTZ, electrotomography, led a field geophysical detachment.

In July 2021, he joined Qazaq Geophysics (QG) LLP.

During his career , he took the following advanced training courses:

– “Qualitative and quantitative interpretation of MT, AMT method data; Analysis and modeling using WingLink software”;